Personal Fitness Training Sessions

Sessions are tailored to each individuals needs. Sessions are one or one or with small groups. Most clients train with resistance training (free weights) or with body weight (push ups, pull ups, etc). Most sessions are full-body lifting focusing on all muscle groups. Along with training large muscle groups, each client will learn how to strength their core/lower back, rotator cuffs (small shoulder muscles), with the result of remaining injury free. All sessions take into account the individual needs of rehabilitating injuries, age, strengths, or personal goals.

Children's Nutrition Fitness Classes

Classes are 1 hour and 15 minutes long. Classes include an interactive training session with cardio and strength training appropriate for children aged 8-14 years. the children are challenged by themselves, myself, and their peers with a fun environment. The lessons learned being that fitness is fun and good for everyone!

The nutrition aspect is an interactive discussion group about the basics of nutrition that will help each child gain an insight into the power they have to be healthy and fit. The basic food groups are taught with encouraging each child to make better food choices for themselves and to enjoy the abundance of healthy food that is available to them. The emphasis is on "real food"; being vegetables, fruits, lean meats or other proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Each child will be learn the benefits of a healthy lifestyle of nutrition and will be encouraged to try new foods.

Self-Defense Classes

These classes are taught 4 times a year. The goal of these classes is to help every woman gain an understanding of the power within themselves. The most important aspects of self-defense are discussed, with those being awareness and avoidance. If these tools break down and their physical self-defense is needed, the women learn other aspects of defending themselves against a variety of attacks. These are taught in an enjoyable but serious manner to encourage each women to learn the techniques but still have fun learning them. It is recommended to participate in more than one class to be able to create an instinctual response of defending oneself.

Private Self-Defense/Weaponry

These training sessions are based on each individual clients needs. Training is based on the teachings of the Minnesota Taekwondo Center and Mn Kali Group, Minneapolis Branch. Training available is empty-hand (maintain center line advantage), weaponry (training blades and kali sticks), focus mitts or thai pads (punching and kicking), ground defense, and most important, awareness and avoidance. Each session is tailored to the clients needs/desires for goals. These sessions are based on a different payment system. Ask for rates.


Sessions are preferred sold in packages of 10 sessions.