Linda Duellman-Ramsay


I must say that the one of the best compliments that my clients can give me is the goal-reaching of great physical fitness and great health. I love what I do! The challenge of training all levels of clients, athletes and non-athletes, from children on up is one that I take on with energy and knowledge. We live in an amazing place of wonderful food choices. Eating healthy should be a pleasure and not time consuming. Let me teach you how.

I myself have been active my whole life. Resistance training (lifting weights) is something I do 3x a week and would encourage most everyone to start or continue. I currently participate in over 15 hours of martial arts a week. I teach and train in taekwondo. I train in Muay Thai, Kali, Grappling/Jujitsu, Weaponry, Pannantuken, and Mn Kali Group Phase 1 and 2 classes. I have a very active interest in teaching self-defense and have been fortunate to have taught many over the last 10 years. The constant sport that I still play today is softball. I also enjoy racquetball, tennis, biking, and skiing. I have participated in basketball and volleyball. I run the Green Bay Half-Marathon every spring to honor a friend's sons passing. I grew up outdoors on snowmobiles, motorcycles, neighborhood athletic games, and on a race track.

On my down time, I am an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction. I love to watch the Food TV Network, with Chopped being a favorite! I love the challenge of taking a recipe and making it healthy and delicious. Check out the recipe for Black Bean Brownies on my web. They are not only tasty but high in protein and iron.

I have two daughters whom I love to keep active. They both enjoy being an active family and participate in many sports also.

My favorite slogan is Nike...Just Do It! I will help you...Just Do It!!!

click the image to enlarge

Ok, the obvious...Duell Fitness is a part of my family name, Duellman. I think family is a cornerstone to a lot of things. Families can be blood relatives or great friends. Celebrating your family ties or friendships are important! business name is important to me. Duell Fitness.

Why a blue plate? Well, blue is calm and it appeals to me. I love the outdoors and what can be bluer than the sky on a clear day? Why a 25 lb plate? 25 has always been a favorite was a number that I have used on almost all of my softball jerseys and that makes me happy.

Why the arm-wresting arms? I think arm wrestling is a great way to have a challenge. Just ask my previous co-workers...or family members...or strangers at a party... Also, hand-in-hand is a great way to show someone respect, like that of a handshake; the holding of a loved one's hand; and a commitment between two people (duel), like that of a trainer and a client. The arms also show strength and health, a goal for every client.

Digging deeper...the triangle that naturally forms on the bottom of the hands represents daughters and I; and the triangle of the Mn Kali Group logo, where I have learned so many great things. The outer circle represents the circle of the Mn Taekwondo Center, where I started my journey into the martial art world.